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Correct method to cure Magic, Evil Eye and Possession
Qur’aanic verses that repel witchcraft
Is there a need for Prophets and Messengers?
Necessity of sending Messengers
Some Messengers given higher status in Islam ...
Trying to become a Prophet
Do Prophets perform miracles?
Proof of Prophethood
Distinguishing between the true Prophet and the liar
Why is the Qur’aan said to be a miracle?
Did all the Prophets have the same religion?
Muhammad was different in any way from the other prophets?
Muhammad different from other Muslims?
The miracle of Israa and Mi’raaj
Is Islam something for the Arabs?
Final Prophet?
The important beliefs that make a person Muslim
Importance of Tawheed
Ta’teel and Tashbeeh
Belief in Prophets
Sources of Islam
People have misunderstandings in their beliefs 1
People have misunderstandings in their beliefs 2
People have misunderstandings in their beliefs 3
What is Tawheed ur Ruboobeeyyah? 1
What is Tawheed ur Ruboobeyah? 2
Worshipping dead people
Does Allaah have children?
Who created the creation?
Proofs from the Qur’aan to show existence of Allaah 1
Everything in creation assigned things necessary...
Link between Lordship and right to be worshipped
Singling out Allaah with all worship
Tawheed ul ulooheeyah 1
Correct translation of la ilaha ill Allaah
Incorrect translations of la ilaha ill Allaah
Pillars of Muhammad rasool ullah
Nullifier of Islam 1: Shirk
Nullifier of Islam 2: Overruling other legislations
Nullifier of Islam 3: Sorcery
Worship and its categories
Avoiding extremes in worship
Pillars of worship
Does Islam teach that Allaah has only 99 Names?
More errors with regards to Names and Attributes of Allaah
Do the Attributes of Allaah actually mean anything
One God alone being in charge of the Universe
Management of the Universe
Calling upon other than Allaah for help
Seeking help from dead considered an act of major Kufr
Performing Salaah behind an Imam who seeks the help of the dead
O servants of Allaah's Most Beautiful Names fulfil my needs
Asking for the help of the dead or the absent
Ruling on collective Dhikr as done by Soofee orders
Supplicating to Aawliyaa' to ward off evil, pretending to know Ghaib
Supplicating to other than Allaah
When will the end of the world be?
Why is the yawm ul qiyaamah so called?
Meaning of Tawhid-ul-Ruboobeeyyah, Tawhid-ul-Ulooheeyyah