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An explanation of Tawheed ar-Ruboobeeyyah
Prayer in Masjid in which is a grave without knowing
Things that invalidate Islaam
The correct ‘Aqeedah
Wishing for death
What is Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat?
Regarding the Hawd on Day of Judgement
Is it true that when Allaah loves a people He tests them?
What is Al-A’raaf and who are its people?
One rejecting advice and stating Taqwaa is in heart
The Straight Path
Major scholars to deal with matters related to...
Permissibility of describing Osama Bin Ladin as being Khaawarij
Ruling about studying or teaching common law
Khaawarij and Murji'ah and their calamity upon Islaam
Methodology of Khaawarij and its beginnings
Eating from animals slaughtered by Raafidah
Why do the Raafidah curse the companions?
One who says that the Raafidah Shia are Muslims
Are the Raafidah Kuffaar?
Ashura as a day of mourning for the killing of Hussein?
Celebrating Mother’s Day
Ruling on praying behind a Zaydi
Why did 'Alee burn the followers of Ibn Saba'?
Ruling regarding general folk of the Raafidah
Insulting Companions exits one from fold of Islaam
Raafidah are not our brothers
Ruling of invitation to Raafidah weddings and their meat
Sin of befriending and giving salaam to the Raafidah
There are Murji'ah out there right now
Is excuser of grave worshipper counted as Murjee ?
Which is worse, Murji’ah or Khawaarij?
Reciting al-Fatihah repeatedly as Ruqyah
Ruqyah for the evil eye
Ruling on attending Christmas events
Regarding those who believe in theory of evolution
Whosoever takes up arms against us is not from us
Who are Ahlul-Hadeeth?
Advice for the du'aat in the West
Will Muslims be asked in grave about Al-Jarh wa-t-Ta'deel?
Did Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin write Rifqan in defence of Abul-Hassan?
Is exposing mistakes of astray groups from Jarh wa Ta'deel?
Difference between Jarh wa Ta'deel and spying
Jarh wa Ta'deel in this day and age?
Just one of the many virtues of Umar
Some priorities for the successful student of knowledge
Use of kindness and gentleness in da’wah
Correct method of giving da'wah
Students with limited knowledge appointing as scholars
Rather this is about the truth!
Is Tazkiyyah a prerequisite for graduate to teach?
Correct method for calling non-Muslims to Islaam
Self-purification and being gentle with people
Refuting the students of knowledge
Da'ee appearing on television for lectures
Advising the innovator
Jarh wa Ta’deel and refutations
The Importance of good manners
Is the phrase Salafeeyyah incumbent to use in da'wah?
Take from his knowledge, but leave alone his actions
Is it waajib to call yourself Salafee or Atharee?
When did the Mawlid first appear?
The origin of the Mawlid
One who does not declare the innovator to be an innovator...
Allaah has not warranted you with labelling people as innovators
Is the hadeeth "The differing of my Ummah is a mercy" authentic?
This is not a golden rule!
What is the way out of tribulations?
Following the faults of the Muslims
Differences and splitting between people have increased
Difference between Salafee methodology, tahazzub...
Is it permissible to ascribe yourself to as-Salafeeyyah?
The only thing they know is warning against people!
Insulting the Du’aat and Scholars